
Treatment of the patient 'as a whole'

In our practice we have always made sure that we take meticulous care of our patients, not only looking after their eyesight but also helping them with any implications that vision problems may have on their overall well-being.

High degree of professionalism

Our practice is headed by Dr. Bianchi who has been working in Surgical and Clinical Ophthalmology for over 30 years. She is committed to assuring our patients the highest level of expertise and professionalism. CMR is staffed by a team of highly qualified doctors and consultants dedicated to providing comprehensive eye care.

Careful selection of technological and surgical innovations

Dr. Bianchi and her staff meticulously evaluate any new technologies as they appear on the market with increasing frequency, choosing only those that are the safest and most reliable while rejecting any which do not provide adequately validated results, even though they may be widely promoted in the media. In this way we are able to guarantee the best possible treatments for our patients, providing them with the most advanced and up-to-date technologies at the same time as guaranteeing the highest levels of safety and medical reliability.